The Ultimate Guide to Pigeon Control and Prevention
August 11, 2022
Pigeons are undoubtedly one of the most invasive species of bird on the planet, as they often travel in flocks. You won’t normally only stumble upon one, lone pigeon, instead, there always seems to be hundreds at a time.
Once a flock of pigeons moves into a chosen area it’s near impossible to get them all to leave. So, when dealing with these birds it’s best to implement preventative measures to stop them from moving in, in the first place. Below will be some of the most effective tips for pigeon-proofing your home.
Rid Your Home of Attractants
Pigeons can be classified as a pest, and like all other pests, they are strongly attracted to consistent food and water supplies. Therefore, if you wish to fully remove any chance of pigeons nesting in your home it’s best to remove any and all food and water sources. This means keeping the surroundings of your property clean. Always be sure to clear out garbage cans and keep all of your pet food indoors. If you’ve thrown an outdoor event, such as a barbecue or family lunch, it is best that you begin cleaning up as soon as all the guests have left. Waiting for too long could quickly result in an infestation of pigeons in your garden. Take all of the dirty dishes, leftover food, and scraps on the table and floor indoors immediately. If you’ve had a barbecue it is probably best to clean your grill soon after cooking as well. Furthermore, remove all of the bird feeders in your garden, should you have any.Block All Potential Nesting Areas
Blocking off potential nesting places for pigeons might be an onerous task because these birds like to nest in secluded and hard-to-reach spaces. Places like balconies, the top of garage doors, attics, rafters, the roof, and an outdoor shed, are all more than likely to be chosen as the potential nesting place for a flock of pigeons. Pigeons, however, cannot nest in places they cannot reach, therefore it’s important to block all pathways to the areas mentioned above. You can do this by trimming any tree branches in the zone of an area mentioned above, just so the pigeons have no materials nearby to build their nests. You can go even further by placing screens and fencing over vents, windows, and the top of your chimney in order to prevent pigeon access. One of the best materials for sealing small holes and entrance points is silicon caulk. Silicon caulk should be used to seal small holes, while a hardy hardware cloth can be used to seal larger holes.Find the Right Repellents
There are many different types of pigeon repellents available for purchase. The following have proven the most effective:- Spike Strips: The best way to deter pigeons from nesting in a particular space is to place spike strips and parallel wires in the space where they would nest. Spike strips are exactly what they sound like – a strip of spikes that can be attached to a surface such as a rafter. These spikes will prevent birds from landing on a particular spot. It will therefore be prudent to use the spikes on the nesting areas mentioned above.
- Visual Deterrents: You can also make sure of visual deterrents as pigeons will not nest in a place that hurts their eyes or disturbs their vision. Placing things like lasers and reflective bird diverters might be effective at preventing pigeons from choosing a specific spot to land and nest.
- Bird gels: Bird gels have become more popular in New Jersey as the battle against pigeons rages on. These gels are invisible and extremely sticky, meaning that pigeons will not see the repellent and will get stuck to an area when they land there. The gel is designed so that the pigeon can release itself through a bit of struggle, but this will make it highly likely that the bird won’t choose that spot again.
- Sprinklers: Sprinklers that are activated by motion might also be highly effective at scaring away pigeons when they enter a specific zone.
- Decoy Threats: Pigeons are especially scared of predators and having that threat present is possibly the most effective way to deter the birds from a specific area. It might be useful to place predator decoys in potential nesting spots to stop pigeons from choosing those spots as their homes. You can purchase decoy kites that resemble owls, hawks and snakes. Attach the kite to the potential nesting area and they will sway in the wind, making the decoy look far more realistic to the pigeon.
- Ultrasonic Sound: The strongest sense of a pigeon is their hearing, and therefore it might be useful to target that through ultrasonic repellents. There are many different types of ultrasonic devices available for purchase. One of the most effective devices, that can be paired with the decoy predator kite mentioned above, is the predator mimic. This device mimics the sounds of a predator in order to deter pests. Another effective, and less invasive sound device is one that emits ultrasonic noise that cannot be heard by humans but is especially annoying to pigeons. These devices will be effective at creating an association within the minds of pigeons that your home equals danger.
- Scents: Lastly, pigeons hate strong smells, so you can use that to your advantage. Sprinkling cinnamon or pepper on potential nesting areas might deter pigeons from ever entering that space.