Identifying and Preventing Cockroaches In New Jersey

January 3, 2024

New Jersey's diverse environment harbors various cockroach species, posing challenges for residents and business owners alike. Understanding these pests' habits, risks, and effective prevention measures is crucial. From urban centers to suburban homes, combating cockroach infestations is a shared concern across the Garden State, demanding proactive strategies for pest management. Read on to learn what attracts cockroaches, how to identify the most common New Jersey species, and how to prevent these unpleasant pests from invading your property. 


Attractants: What Lures In Cockroaches?


Cockroaches are drawn to environments that offer warmth, moisture, and food sources. Their attraction stems from various factors within a habitat. Dark, humid areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements provide ideal conditions for their survival. Cockroaches seek shelter in cracks, crevices, and clutter, feeling secure in tight spaces.


Their attraction to food sources is a primary driver. They feed on virtually anything, including crumbs, grease, garbage, and organic matter. Leftover food residue, unsealed containers, and even pet food become a feast for these hardy pests.


Cockroaches are resilient creatures that can survive in harsh conditions for extended periods, making eliminating their attraction challenging. They emit pheromones that signal safety to other roaches, encouraging congregation in infested areas. Additionally, warmth attracts them. They seek environments with stable temperatures, often gravitating towards heated spaces during colder months.


Identifying The Most Common Cockroaches In New Jersey


Here is a closer look at the three most common species of cockroaches in New Jersey:


German Cockroach

The German cockroach, about ½ to ⅝ inches long, has a light brown or tan color with two dark parallel stripes running down its back. Its body is flat, allowing it to fit into small spaces, and it has six legs and long antennae. Young German cockroaches are darker and smaller, often appearing nearly black, with distinctively pronounced stripes that fade as they mature.


German cockroaches are capable of flying, though they rarely do. Unlike some other species, German cockroaches hate the light and will hide from any light sources. They typically prefer to live indoors, and they often hide in areas that are warm and damp as well as dark, such as kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and crawlspaces. 


American Cockroach

The American cockroach is a reddish-brown insect, large in size, measuring around 1 ½ to 2 inches in length. It possesses a distinctive, elongated, oval-shaped body with long antennae and six legs. Wings cover its back, with a light-colored outline and darker markings near the head region. Young American cockroaches resemble adults but are smaller and lack wings. They move swiftly and are capable of flight, with a prominent preference for damp, dark environments. 


American cockroaches are capable of gliding flight, though they typically prefer to run and are very fast. American cockroaches favor outdoor habitats, thriving in moist, shaded locations such as mulch, woodpiles, debris heaps, hollow trees, and underneath shingles. Upon entering indoor spaces, they frequently invade areas including basements, attics, crawl spaces, boiler rooms, sewers, pantries, kitchens, bathrooms, and steam tunnels.


Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental cockroach, commonly known as a "black beetle" or "waterbug," is shiny and dark brown to black in color, and measures approximately 1 to 1 ¼ inches long. It has a robust and glossy body, often appearing oval-shaped, with wings that are underdeveloped in both males and females. They emit a strong, musty odor. Nymphs resemble adults but are smaller and darker, gradually lightening in color as they mature. 


Oriental cockroaches cannot fly, and they exhibit a sluggish, crawling movement. Their preferred habitats include dark, damp areas such as basements, sewers, drains, and moist outdoor environments.


Signs Of Cockroach Activity: What To Look For


Signs of a cockroach infestation include visible sightings of live roaches scurrying in dark areas or during the night. Finding egg casings resembling small, dark capsules in hidden spots like behind furniture, in cabinets, or along baseboards is another sign. Their feces, resembling black pepper or coffee grounds, might be present in corners, drawers, or other secluded areas.


A musty, oily odor often accompanies larger infestations. Damage to items such as books, fabric, or food packaging due to their feeding habits may be apparent. Additionally, smear marks—dark streaks left behind by roaches—can be found along walls or surfaces they frequently traverse.


Unusual pet behavior, such as increased attention or agitation in certain areas, could indicate the presence of cockroaches. Lastly, allergic reactions or respiratory issues in occupants without a known cause might signal an infestation, as cockroach debris and excrement can trigger allergies.


Dangers and Risks Posed By Cockroaches


Cockroaches pose various health hazards. They carry and spread pathogens, bacteria, and parasites, contaminating surfaces and food with diseases like salmonella, E. coli, and various viruses. Their shed skins, feces, and saliva contain allergens that trigger asthma and allergic reactions, particularly in sensitive individuals. The presence of cockroaches can worsen respiratory conditions, especially in children and the elderly, leading to coughing, wheezing, and exacerbating allergies. Their droppings and shed body parts can become airborne particles, further contributing to indoor air pollution. Additionally, they can cause structural damage by feeding on paper products, fabrics, and even wiring, potentially creating fire hazards in buildings.


Preventing Cockroaches On Your New Jersey Property


Preventing cockroach infestations in New Jersey involves several key steps. Start by sealing entry points such as cracks, gaps, and crevices around doors, windows, and utility openings using caulking or weather stripping to prevent roaches from entering. Ensure proper ventilation and promptly fix any leaks or moisture issues, as cockroaches are attracted to damp environments. Regularly clean and declutter, especially in kitchen and dining areas, by wiping down surfaces, sealing food in airtight containers, and disposing of garbage regularly.


Implement a strict sanitation routine, including vacuuming floors, sweeping, and removing food debris, particularly in hard-to-reach spots. Consider using door sweeps and screens to prevent roaches from entering through gaps under doors or windows. Employ non-toxic methods like boric acid or diatomaceous earth in cracks and crevices as a natural deterrent. Regularly inspect and clean areas prone to moisture buildup like basements, attics, and crawl spaces.


If signs of cockroaches appear, promptly address them through professional pest control services to eradicate existing infestations and establish ongoing preventive measures. Regular inspections and vigilance are crucial in combating and preventing cockroach infestations in New Jersey homes or establishments. Twin-Boro Termite and Pest Control has nearly 50 years of experience in eradicating pests like cockroaches in both residential and commercial settings. Call us today to schedule your complimentary inspection. With Twin-Boro protecting your property, cockroach infestations will be a thing of the past.